Diaries Magazine

Luciano Bove Interview by Quattroruote

Posted on the 28 October 2010 by Luciano
Luciano Bove interview by Quattroruote

Luciano Bove interview by Quattroruote

Luciano Bove at IAAD Torino

 Hi friends,
last week I participated to the inauguration of new Transportation Design Dpt. academic year at IAAD design school of Torino. For this occasion I had the opportunity to talk to a big part of new students to explane how to live this scolastic experience at IAAD school, most of all I tried to tell them what I write about: emotions, passions and motivation.
At the end of my speech I have been interviewed by Quattroruote website with Fabio Ferrante with who we talked about what it means to be a designer and how important talent is in our field.
For those interested you can find the full interview clicking: Quattroruote interviews Luciano Bove

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