Lunchtime Quickie with Tina

Posted on the 21 February 2013 by Khourianya @khourianya
I almost skipped this run in my mind...and then I got this tweet from Tina last night

And since the one time I ran with Tina, it was super fun and we pace well together - I knew I was on the hook for a run :)
We met up at Southland Station around 11:30 am to run my Southwood loop. After Tina took a super funny (and luckily non-injurous) fall on the ice right at the start, the 4k went by quick as we gabbed the miles away.   Of course, you'd never know it to look at my nike screenshot...I totally forgot to pause it for the 20mins of gabbing we did at the end.  It did NOT take us 54 mins to run 4k LOL

And because I love the pic she took WAY better than the one I did - here's us after the run, courtesy of Tina:

It was so awesome to have a running buddy for a lunch run.  We are likely going to try to make it a regular thing if my run days mesh well with her days off.  Did wonders for my running mojo today...and we all know I need it.