Make 2014 Great!*

Posted on the 12 January 2014 by Sparklesandstretchmarks @raine_fairy

The weather in good ole' Devon hasn't been too great lately - in fact we've been getting pretty hammered with rain and winds, and suffering in the midst of some pretty awful forgive me but I haven't felt too up to venturing into the great outdoors much.
Instead I've been trying to keep myself occupied snug and warm at home...I've never really been one for Facebook games before but I have to admit, I have dabbled more than usual lately and that Candy Crush Saga - wow isn't that surprisingly addictive?!
As well as Facebook games and blogging to keep me busy, I've had a little dabble on the Bingo sites too - I actually got into playing Bingo when I was about 14 and we played it on family holidays - you could play as long as an adult was with you to claim any winnings!
I loved the excitement of waiting for that last number to be called - whether the prize was a bottle of wine that I couldn't even drink or a cash amount, it didn't matter - the excitement was the same!
One time on one of these family holidays I won the jackpot of £280! It may not seem like much but OMG that was probably the most excited I'd ever been, and definitely the best thing I've ever won to this day!
So I do enjoy having a little play on the Online Bingo sites, I'm sensible with what I pay in (Most of them actually let you set a limit on how much you can deposit which I think is a pretty nifty idea just incase you're tempted to overspend!)
888Ladies is running a fantastic promotion at the moment to kick off the New Year in style - they're asking people to share a wish that would make their 2014 great on their Facebook page, and one lucky person will have that wish granted!
On top of this they are offering the chance for one lucky person to play free bingo for a year!! I wouldn't mind a prize like that!
What wish would you choose to have granted to make your 2014 great? 
Personally I'd choose to have a fab family holiday, all expenses paid! 
Ah well, a girl can dream!
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