…make a Run for It

Posted on the 05 May 2018 by Zer @the2women

While I know many today are probably already a margarita or two into Cinco de Mayo, let’s not forget today’s other special occasion—it’s Derby Day!

Yes, today marks the start of the horse racing season…at least for those of us who literally only pay attention to the Triple Crown.

I am not ashamed to admit that I’m here for the hats and the ponies…

Also, few occasions are more steeped in tradition than horse racing, and I’m a sucker for traditions.

Yes, some of them are wreaking of snobbishness (and other things), excused away under the cloak of tradition…

…but look at the ponies…

And seriously guys, I know that there’s a lot of money that goes into these horses, but that shouldn’t mean that everyone can’t enjoy the sport of it all…

Now, if you’ll excuse me, there are only a few more hours for me to pick my favorite, based entirely on name and backstory (because statistical-odds would be boring).

…bi-daily smile…
