Diaries Magazine

Make Salt Dough Ornaments

Posted on the 03 December 2017 by Suzanne Robinson @mummy2twinsblog

Salt Dough Ornaments are a perfect craft project to do with the kids.

They are fun and you can make whatever your heart desires. Your imagination can run wild.

My kids wanted to create different animals and I made them do handprints as well. You can do feet prints if you wish.

The kids will love to see their creations hanging from the tree, or on the doorknobs of cupboards and doors.

You can make these decorations for any celebration. Easter, Birthdays and more!


  • 4 cups of plain flour
  • 1 cup of salt
  • 1 and a half cups of water
  • Food dye (whatever colour you wish to create)
  • Paint if you wish to paint the ornaments rather than colour with food dye.
  • Glue
  • Glitter or Glitter Glue
  • Ribbon or string to thread through the ornament.
  • Chopstick or another item to make the hole to hang the decoration on the tree.


  • Mix all the ingredients together.
  • Add the food dye and mix some more to make sure that it is the right colour.
  • I separated the dough into the three different batches. I made different colours for each child. This is a good way to ensure you know who's decorations are whos.
  • Roll out the dough so it is not too thick and not too thin. (I made some of ours too thick and it has taken a while to dry)
  • Cut out the shapes with the cookie cutters and then press handprints or feet prints on the decorations.
  • Make sure to add a hole to put the string or ribbon into the decoration. Don't forget to do this. Once dry it will be next to impossible to add the hole for the ribbon to tie onto the tree. We used the end of a chopstick.
  • Put the decorations on a tray with baking paper and then bake in the oven.
  • Bake in the oven for 1-2 hours at 100°C. or 200 °F. Time might vary depending on how thick the dough is for your decorations.
  • If the ornaments are still doughy you can put them back into the oven, or maybe leave out to firm up before you decorate them.
  • Once the ornaments are dry you can decorate them.
  • Add glue to the areas you wish to add glitter then sprinkle the glitter. Make your decoration sparkle! (I ended up buying glitter glue instead of just glitter. This saved me from adding the glue and then the glitter.)
  • Add ribbon or string to thread through the hole that you have added to the ornament to allow you to hang on the Christmas Tree or elsewhere.

I hope this helps you create your own wonderful salt dough masterpieces.

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