The reboot has been making headlines since it was first announced. With an all-star, entirely female lead cast it’s a far cry from the original, and promises to be fresh take on the beloved film.
It’s also, apparently, garnered a lot of hate. In fact, it’s trailer is the most disliked trailer on YouTube.
Sadly, this kind of hatred doesn’t speak to the quality of the promotional material but more to the sad, pathetic nature of the people who have time to plan an attack on a movie trailer. Thankfully, they’re a small group, but they’re sending their message loud and clear.
So, today, in an attempt to counteract their hate and overall lameness, I’m sharing my excitement for the new and re-imagined “Ghostbusters.”
First of all, I love the original film. It’s one of my favorites, and I agree with the haters that it’s a classic. However, I think even the classics need an upgrade now and then. The new film will not replace the original or diminish it in any way. It’s simply building on the story.
Placing females in the lead roles, sets it apart from the original. Plenty have called it a gimmick, and don’t get me started on how insulting that is. Casting women in parts traditionally played by men is called progress. And, more importantly, it distinguishes this “Ghostbusters” as a completely different entity. And it makes fans like myself, who happen to be female, really excited about the direction the film industry is heading.
Lastly, everything I’ve seen of the film so far suggest that it’s going to be one of the best films of the summer. And how could it not be with Melissa McCarthy, Kristen Wiig, Leslie Jones, and Kate McKinnon at the wheel. Not to mention the eye-candy, Chris Hemsworth.
Although I’ll reserve judgment until I actually see the film, my guess is those who have already condemned the film will have a hard time defending their actions when the film is released…only 57 days to go…
More in the Story: The Atlantic
…just for fun: