Make Your Mark & Win $25

Posted on the 13 January 2013 by Chasingjoy @chasing_joy
Why do we do the things that we do?  Why do we try hard at work, invest time and or money in charity, step in to be mentors, take on the role of parents, write books, blogs, and music?  Because we all want to have an impact, influence and create a legacy of some sort.  We want to be memorable.  We want to Make our mark.
Some of us want to leave a huge mark and imprint on society and with our peers.  We want to be known maybe even famous. We want to touch the masses.  Nothing wrong with that.  Other's of us want to leave a small mark.  We focus primarily on our friends and family.  With the desire to touch their lives in a lasting way.  While shying away from any type of notoriety, choosing to stand in the shadows playing the role of supporter.  Nothing wrong with that either.
I think I fall somewhere in the middle.  As a kid my friends and I would discuss being rich and famous when we grew up.  I was always onboard for the rich part but the famous part was not really part of my plan.  I definitely feel good when I know I have done something to make my mark within the bounds of friendships or when I have been there for a family member.  That is truly fulfilling.  But a funny thing happened when I started this blog.  The vast power of the Internet has allowed me to reach people from other parts of the world. Chasing Joy has helped me to develop some cyber relationships that allow me to leave a bit of a bigger mark by letting my focus grow a little wider than just friends and family.

Making My Mark at the Joy of Giving Charity Event

There are times when I feel this whole blog thing is just a little online diary and not all that important to anyone but me.  But then I will get an email from a reader saying how much the can relate to what I'm saying.  Or, a friend tells me during a conversation how much they like what I'm doing.  Or, when I am able to encourage readers and brands to come together for a charitable cause that leads to over 136 articles of clothing, shoes and accessories being donated to women transitioning from welfare to work.   When these things happen, I realize that this blog is allowing me to make my mark.
So, how are you making your mark?  Are you more focused on making a powerfully focused small mark on your friends and family, directing your time and attention to them? Perhaps your focus is on casting a wider mark on your community through charitable work within your church, sorority, or by being a mentor?  Or maybe you are leaving your mark in a really big way by writing that book, speaking at that event, or giving that sermon?  No matter big or small the mark you make is lasting and important.
The people from Lexus know this and want to reward you for it.  Using the hashtag #makeyourmarkES, Lexus wants you to share how you make your mark.  When  you post on Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest, FourSquare, or Socialcam with the hashtag #makeyourmarkES you can enter to win a $25 American Express gift card.
Use the Raffelcopter form below to enter the contest.  The contest ends on Friday 01/18 at 11:59pm.  Come back for a special Saturday post 1/19 to find out who the winner is.
I can't wait to hear how your #MakeYourMarkES.
a Rafflecopter giveaway