Diaries Magazine

Making Sarah Cry

Posted on the 05 February 2020 by Vidyasury @vidyasury
Making Sarah Cry

In life, we must do the right thing even when no one's watching. As Mark Twain rightly says, "Do the right thing. It will gratify some people and astonish the rest." Rather than ramble on about why do the right thing, here's a lovely poem titled Making Sarah Cry by Cheryl L. Costello-Forshey, whose poems have appeared in the Chicken Soup for the Soul series of books. This poem brings home the point way better than prose.


Making Sarah Cry Making Sarah Cry

Making Sarah Cry

He stood among his friends from school,
He joined their childhood games
Laughing as they played kickball
And when they called poor Sarah names.

Making Sarah Cry Making Sarah Cry

And the way she'd stomp her feet
Whenever they mocked the way she walked
Or the stutter when she'd speak.

But every day she'd do the same:
She'd come outside to play,
And stand there, tears upon her face,
Too upset to run away.

Making Sarah Cry Making Sarah Cry

He felt a smile cross his face
As his friends all smiled, too
And he couldn't wait to play outside -
His favorite thing to do.

Making Sarah Cry Making Sarah Cry

An awkward smile crosses his face
When he heard somebody laugh
And heard the words, "Hey Freak,
Where'd you get the ugly mask?"

Making Sarah Cry Making Sarah CryMaking Sarah Cry Making Sarah Cry

I hope you enjoyed this poem as much as I did.

Tissues? ♥

Making Sarah Cry Making Sarah CryWednesday Wisdom is a series with short bursts of easy-to-consume wisdom in the form of inspiring stories, verse, quotes, anecdotes, reflections, easy meditation, thought-provoking questions and humor.

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