Making Zen is Back and Kate Ward over at Zen Stitching is holding another Making Zen Online Retreat this November, and I'm going to be a presenting artist!
If you haven't taken part in Making Zen before, this is a textile-arts-focused retreat gathers 20 talented artists to host one workshop each over the course of five days, and those 20 workshops are totally free for anyone to watch. It's an incredible opportunity to get inspired, connect with new friends and artists, and improve your craft!
Here are the artists that will be taking part.

With all these artists, you can be sure that a wide range of topics will be covered - I'm particularly excited for Kiala Givehand and Agy Lees session . My own workshop will be about creating stitched words for your wall hangings, art journals or other creative projects.
If you'd like to learn more about the retreat (and save your free seat!), check out the Making Zen website HERE. You'll be able to get all the schedule details there and find out more about all the other artists in the retreat.