Managerial Misfires

Posted on the 07 February 2013 by Blairbarnes

Sometimes it isn’t even the customers that drive us crazy, it is our own co-workers. There is a specific manager at my restaurant the drives me up the wall. Today for example I was in the process of putting drinks on a tray to deliver to guests and then greet another table HE had seated and he interrupts me to ask me to push together the banquettes in my station to accommodate a five top. (Mind you not a busy time) After asking me to do this I watch him walk back to the front and proceed to shoot the shit with another co-worker. I understand pushing three tables together must be “above” him because of his superior managerial status, but geez give me a break…. Sometimes at work I have to take a breath and remember that stuck up managers are just that only managers…who make no money and work waaaaay more hours than I do for way less pay.

- Emily