For starters this weekend was so much fun! I can't even begin to describe it since it's all such a blur. I know I laughed nonstop with the bride-to-be, drank wine, made tons of new friends, rode a horse on a beach, drank wine, danced like a maniac for hours, swam in the pool and the ocean, drank wine, etc. Amid all that awesomeness, I did squeeze in one tiny run "along the beach" -- and by that I mean the beach in our backyard was .25 miles long and I mainly ran on the road for 3 miles. Regardless, there was a beach in my backyard. How cool!?
Overall week 15 of training was extremely lax. In addition to my vacay, I skipped Tuesday's run because my IT band was still iffy. Wednesday I did a few slow miles to test it out (all clear) and Thursday I totally rocked it with a 5 mile tempo run -- my hardest run of the week. Yes, I skipped Sunday's long run. I was on a beach and then on a ferry and then it was 8 p.m. and I watched Dogs in the City and ate pizza with Jack. (Side note: Dogs in the City? BEST SHOW.)
I'm going to try to do 10 miles today though not sure how that's going to go in my woozy state, but I ordered brand new sneaks so I'm pretty pumped. They're teal and NB 890s v2. I'm hoping they help me get my act back together for week 14.
OH and that picture? That was taken on my crappy BlackBerry. As much as I hate that thing -- I'm impressed it pulled this off. (OK and I worked some Photoshop magic.)
And ... that's all I got.
To go: 14 weeks | 402.2 miles Completed: 2 week | 29.5 miles If you missed it: Week 16 | Week 15