March #ChasingJoy Chat Recap

Posted on the 04 March 2013 by Chasingjoy @chasing_joy
Yesterday was the monthly #ChasingJoy twitter chat.  Me and several of my friends all have birthdays in March.  So our March twitter chat topic was birthdays.  The chat was good and the overall consensus was Birthdays are awesome!!!  Here is the recap if you missed it.  Feel free to answer any of the questions in the comments below.
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#ChasingJoy Chat Recap

Storified by Chasing Joy· Sun, Mar 03 2013 20:54:10

Welcome to the #ChasingJoy Twitter Chat.Chasing Joy (Arlett) The purpose of this chat is to get to know each other better and bond over the themes of Optimism, Gratitude, and Happiness. #ChasingJoyChasing Joy (Arlett) Q 1: Who are you and where are you from? #ChasingJoyChasing Joy (Arlett) A1. I am Arlett and I am from Philly. #ChasingJoyChasing Joy (Arlett) @Chasing_Joy A1: I am Sheila and I'm from Detroit #ChasingJoySheila Hawkins A1. I'm Samantha I'm in Johannesburg, South Africa #ChasingJoySamantha Dube #ChasingJoy RT @MommyTalkShow @Chasing_Joy Q1: I'm Joyce and I'm from Long Island, NY.Chasing Joy (Arlett) A1: New Yorker turned Southern Bell! I'm in North Carolina! #ChasingJoyJen Lawrence Q2: How happy are you at this time in your life? #ChasingJoyChasing Joy (Arlett) A2. It has been a stressful few months for me but overall I am pretty happy. #ChasingJoyChasing Joy (Arlett) @Chasing_Joy Getting better. Had a few disappointments this week. But looking forward to turning 40 this summer. #ChasingJoyJoyce Brewer A2: Happy to be starting a new chapter #ChasingJoySheila Hawkins @Chasing_Joy A2: I'm very happy with my life though with a few changes I could only get happier #ChasingJoySamantha Dube A2: I'm going through a transitional period right now, I'm happy for the most part but it's a little scary. #ChasingJoyJen Lawrence @Chasing_Joy A2. Pretty happy. It is always room for improvements but God is good. #chasingjoyevie730 A2. I'm feeling content. Not happy, not sad just extremely satisfied! #ChasingJoymrsrkfj Q3: March is the month of my birthday and several of my friends. Do you celebrate your birthday? #ChasingJoyChasing Joy (Arlett) @Chasing_Joy Always celebrate my B'Day #ChasingJoySheila Hawkins @Chasing_Joy Yes I celebrate my birthday, would love to do something big though. #ChasingJoySamantha Dube A3. I always celebrate my birthday. Some years bigger than others. #ChasingJoyChasing Joy (Arlett) @Chasing_Joy Q3 - Yes, I'm planning a solo vacation for my 40th birthday in August #ChasingJoyJoyce Brewer I find people who do solo vacations so brave @MommyTalkShow #ChasingJoyChasing Joy (Arlett) A3: I celebrate the entire month of October (JENtober) annually! My birthday month rocks every year! ;-) #ChasingJoyJen Lawrence #ChasingJoy MT @BeeSince83 A3: always & forever! I love my bday. When I was young I plotted... to make my bday be a nat'l holiday. Lol!Chasing Joy (Arlett) Q4: Do you think birthdays are overrated and just another day? #ChasingJoyChasing Joy (Arlett) @Chasing_Joy A4: No. B'Days are a time to celebrate and give thanks. I don't think they're over rated #ChasingJoySheila Hawkins A4. I don't think they are overrated. I think they are special and the only day just about you. #ChasingJoyChasing Joy (Arlett) @Chasing_Joy Q4: No, they're special and to be celebrated a lot. I used to have a party every year. Not so much since motherhood #ChasingJoyJoyce Brewer RT @ThirdEyeGrp: @Chasing_Joy A4: No. BDays are a time to celebrate and give thanks. I dont think theyre over rated #ChasingJoyChasing Joy (Arlett) yes to give thanks for another year. Every year is a blessing. @ThirdEyeGrp #ChasingJoyChasing Joy (Arlett) A4: I don't think birthdays are overrated! Why not celebrate our life? #ChasingJoyJen Lawrence @Chasing_Joy A4. No I think birthdays are really a time to reflect and celebrate that you've made it to see another year. #ChasingJoySamantha Dube yes Reflection!!! Reflect on the past year and the year to come @EbonyDelights #ChasingJoyChasing Joy (Arlett) Q5: Do you have any special birthday traditions in your family? #ChasingJoyChasing Joy (Arlett) @Chasing_Joy Q5: You get your favorite meal for your birthday in our family. My son gets chicken and french fries this year #ChasingJoyJoyce Brewer That is an awesome tradition @MommyTalkShow :-) Birthday Dinner #ChasingJoyChasing Joy (Arlett) @Chasing_Joy A5: No special B'Day traditions in my family. #ChasingJoySheila Hawkins @Chasing_Joy A5..does carvel cakes count? LOL #chasingjoyevie730 A5. We don't have any birthday traditions in my family. It may be one to start though. #ChasingJoyChasing Joy (Arlett) A5: I love parties, so everyone gets a special birthday event planned big or small. Different themes, venues, food etc. #ChasingJoyJen Lawrence @Chasing_Joy A5: Yes, your golden birthday, 5th, 10th, 16th, 21st, 25th, 30th, 35th etc... #ChasingJoyKeystrokesByKimberly @Chasing_Joy Q5: Mostly getting cake and going out to dinner #ChasingJoySamantha Dube Yup! RT @evie730: @Chasing_Joy A5..does carvel cakes count? LOL #ChasingJoyChasing Joy (Arlett) Q6: How do you make birthdays special for your loved ones? #ChasingJoyChasing Joy (Arlett) @Chasing_Joy well, I try to do what I feel they will enjoy. My mom lovesss flowers so that's a must on the b day:) #chasingjoyevie730 @Chasing_Joy A6: Usually ask, if I don't know what they want or want to do then create a special way for it to happen #ChasingJoySheila Hawkins @Chasing_Joy A6: buys presents and pay for the birthday dinner. #ChasingJoySamantha Dube A6. I like to take my mom out to dinner and I give gifts to my nieces and nephews and spend special time with them. #ChasingJoyChasing Joy (Arlett) @Chasing_Joy A6: We celebrate the entire week. Day 1= cupcakes #chasingjoyVal B. I try to let my kids or husband plan their special day. For me I'm content with a book and a corner at Starbucks. #ChasingJoymrsrkfj A6: I just see what they want and do it, unless it's a surprise! #ChasingJoyJen Lawrence Q7: Have you ever felt sad about an approaching birthday? #ChasingJoyChasing Joy (Arlett) @Chasing_Joy A7: I actually have not. I guess more reflective than sad. #chasingjoyVal B. @Chasing_Joy Q7 yes...turning 40. I was like what tha. where did the time go. Then I thought I'm a be 40 & fabulous :-) #Chasingjoyevie730 A7: This year's birthday will be a milestone for me and I'm struggling with it. Lol! *seriously* #ChasingJoyJen Lawrence @Chasing_Joy A7: No but I once forgot my bday. Only remembered half way through the day. (Was unaware of the date the week) #ChasingJoySamantha Dube @EbonyDelights @Chasing_Joy wow...that must of been a busy week :) #chasingjoyevie730 @Chasing_Joy A7: Yes, 30 & 40. I refused to acknowledge that in full & now no one knows my true age.Lol #ChasingJoyKeystrokesByKimberly A7. Only felt sad when I dwell on what i thought I would have accomplished but have not yet accomplished. So I don't dwell! #ChasingJoyChasing Joy (Arlett) @Chasing_Joy I did the same thing and it sadden me for a minute, but then I spoke to God about and moved on. #chasingjoyevie730 A7: Never sad about approaching a B'Day. Always look forward to them #ChasingJoySheila Hawkins A7. As I get further into my 30s & still single & no kids sometimes that stresses me at bday time. Try not to worry though. #ChasingJoyChasing Joy (Arlett) Q8: Do milestone birthdays (30, 40, 50 etc.) have any more significance? #ChasingJoyChasing Joy (Arlett) @Chasing_Joy A8: Absolutely! Better as the number goes up. #chasingjoyVal B. A8, Milestone birthdays are signficant because they casuse us to reflect and plan for the future. #chasingjoyJaneane Davis @Chasing_Joy A8. Yes. for me it made me reflect more. Made me wanna start checking off that 'bucket list" LOL #chasingjoyevie730 @Chasing_Joy A8: yes, mostly because everyone else makes them more significant. #ChasingJoySamantha Dube @Chasing_Joy Q8: Yes, for my 30th I went to #Europe by myself #ChasingJoyJoyce Brewer A8. Milestone birthdays make me feel I'm on the verge of something GREAT! #ChasingJoyChasing Joy (Arlett) Q9: What is your fondest birthday memory? #ChasingJoyChasing Joy (Arlett) @Chasing_Joy A9: I always have an amazing time when celebrate my bday. Can't mention 1 specific moment #ChasingJoySamantha Dube 2011 Andre surprised me with a spa weekend at a place that had a limo and a 5 star restaurant. @Chasing_Joy #chasingjoyChaton Turner @Chasing_Joy A9 that would have to be my 23rd bday. Hubs (who was bf at the time) took me to empire state bldg 4 a surprise. #chasingjoyevie730 A9. One of my fondest was the 21st bday party my dad threw for me. It was my last milestone bday I got to celebrate with him. #ChasingJoyChasing Joy (Arlett) A9: I have tried to answer this question 2x's but, both times I sounded like an alcoholic! So, I'm going to leave it alone. O_o #ChasingJoyJen Lawrence Q10: Do you have a Facebook page, blog, or other link that you’d like to share? #ChasingJoyChasing Joy (Arlett) @Chasing_Joy Moms & future moms LIKE #ChasingJoyJoyce Brewer @Chasing_Joy A 10 #ChasingJoySheila Hawkins A10: #ChasingJoyJen Lawrence A10. My blog is #ChasingJoyChasing Joy (Arlett) A. 10 you can find me on FB at #ChasingJoyChasing Joy (Arlett) A10. If you are in Philly area I'd love to see you in IRL at my Brunch & Learn #CJBL. #ChasingJoyChasing Joy (Arlett) That is the end of the questions but feel free to continue chatting and getting to know each other using the hashtag Joy Chasers #ChasingJoyChasing Joy (Arlett) Don’t forget to follow all of your new friends from the #ChasingJoy twitter party.Chasing Joy (Arlett) Awesome Chat! Thanks @ThirdEyeGrp @evie730 @mrsrkfj @MommyTalkShow @JaelDesignsInc @EbonyDelights @Chatonsworld @KaiConGroup #ChasingJoyChasing Joy (Arlett) Awesome Chat! Thanks @janeanedavis @KeystrokesByKim #ChasingJoyChasing Joy (Arlett) #ChasingJoy Chats are every month on the 1st Sunday at 4pm EST. bring your friends :-)Chasing Joy (Arlett) The next #ChasingJoy chat will be on Sunday April 7th. At 4:00pm ESTChasing Joy (Arlett) What are you thoughts on birthdays? Overrated? How do you make them special? What is your fondest birthday memory?