January 25th 2013 marked the 40th year of the March For Life. This march is a result of the Supreme Court decision of the 1973 case that legalized abortion, Roe vs Wade. This was my first year of attendance. I was going to write about it that Sunday following but I decided not to after seeing a sign in the sidelines that indicated that the supporters of the march only care the one day of the year. NOT TRUE ... so this is late on purpose.
The group of churches that gathered in Maryland with me, had just finished watching October Baby, the story of a young woman who finds out her health conditions are in direct relation to how she came to be in this world. The movie sheds light on what happens when abortions fail. I didn't know that was possible; that an abortion might not take. With that fresh in the minds of the young people who came out with us, we discussed it further during Mass. We left with a renewed sense of purpose.
People of a crowd size estimated to be 650,000 gathered in Washington DC, on this cold day in January to speak up for the babies who could not speak for themselves and the men and women who were hurt because of these procedures. I felt overwhelmed as the young girls I guided to the event got split up from our group. The event started a half hour earlier than we had anticipated because of the snow. Trying to find them was like searching for a needle in a haystack.
With the help of technology we were all reunited twenty minutes later and several blocks ahead. It snowed and it was freezing but we didn't feel it. We prayed aloud. We sang. We danced. We chanted our purpose. We made our point. It was an experience I am not doing it justice to explain to you right now.
We do not fight for life one day a year. We fight everyday. There are campaigns going on non-stop. The march and anniversary of Roe vs. Wade, is the only thing that happens once a year. The most current campaign is 40 days for Life, which began this past Wednesday. You can read more about how this campaign works and my experience with it last year in 40 Days For Life. (Warning: Bring a tissue.)
I wanted to include photos from instagram with the #March4Life.
Here is a video I took:
View other videos here
As promised , here is today's reading:
Have you ever participated in a campaign that is close to your heart? Share with us below.
Until then,
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