Self Expression Magazine

March of the Mourides in Paris

Posted on the 06 October 2012 by Sedulia @Sedulia

I was over near Oberkampf and a man walked up to me and said (in French) "Can you tell me how to get to the Place des Vosges?" I pointed him in the right direction and he said, "Where there are lots of art galleries, right?"

Soon after that I came across this singing march along the boulevard des Filles de Calvaire for "tolerance and peace among people of all religions." When I got home I looked up the flag and discovered that these people are Senegalese Mourides, an Islamic group that favors hard work and tolerance. Although Senegal's population is 94% Islamic, the country is proud of its tolerance and hospitality. There were no angry demonstrations, even after calls for them by some "arabistes" after the Youtube "Innocence of Muslims" caused trouble all over the Muslim world. "But I notice the women are still walking in the back," said a French friend.

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