So… I have a blog friend named Maren. Yes, there are at least two Maren’s out there in the world. She writes a great blog called Running for Sweets. Go check it out!
Before we get to the good stuff…
It’s flapjack time!
Oh yes!
3 buttermilk pancakes slathered in butter and blackberry jam. A stack of jelly flap…. a flap stack of jelly… there’s jam in my stack
Anyways Maren started this really cool 30 day challenge and I thought it would be fun to do for the month of June.
Since it’s June 3rd I have a little catch up to do. Get your oats, or cereal, or coffee and hunker down for the first three days of the 30 day challenge.
Day 1: your relationship
Day 2: 10 years from now.
This is a hard one. In 10 years I hope to have a successful business with my dad (more on that coolness coming soon!). I hope to be happily married with a great little house and a dog.
Day 3: Just say no!
My views on drugs… just say no! I wont lie and say I’m completely ‘clean’. I’ve never done anything “hard” but I have done something illegal. But I haven’t done anything in years. I didn’t like it and I will never do it again. I regret it and wish it never happened.
My views on alcohol… I like having a yummy beer, glass of wine, or cocktail sometimes, especially when I’m out with friends. I have been known to go to a party and have a ‘good time’. But I don’t like people who drink too much, I don’t like to do it myself and I generally don’t stay friends with people who do. My general rule… when things get sloppy, I’m out!
Do you have possessive issues with your name?
I do. I think it’s because my name is so unique. I didn’t grow up hearing other Maren’s get called during role or on the playground. I had never even said “Hey Maren” to someone else until I was in high school. It’s always been strange meeting… others. But I think it’s super cool now!