Master of My Domain? Keep Dreaming.

Posted on the 16 November 2011 by Steph's Scribe @stephverni

I have a domain, and I’m having difficulty mastering it.

No…I’m not talking about the infamous “Seinfeld” episode called “The Contest.” However, this self-contest could possibly be even more challenging than the one George, Jerry, Elaine, and Kramer participated in those many years ago in one of the most talked about sitcom episodes television ever saw.

If you’ve been following along with me, you’ve been hanging out with me at my domain, Steph’s Scribe (and I humbly thank you for doing so). It’s not easy coming up with blog posts, two to three a week, and trying to entertain, educate, or inform readers. Additionally, I teach a full-time load, grade a lot of papers, have a family, and am trying to get this book out the door.

Add to that what my friend Scott called “Social Media Fatigue” (SMF), that endless competition with yourself to keep up with Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Foursquare, StumbleUpon, reading other blogs, and everything else you’ve got going on in the SM sphere, and you’re likely to feel as exhausted as I am. I’m lucky if I tweet three times a day.

The notion of mastering my domain may be on interminable hold. Can it be done or am I just dreaming?

What’s astonishing is that I look around and read what other authors who are about to self-publish are doing—they are creating their own media platforms, and many of them are succeeding quite well at it. I’m in awe when I see the strides they make every day. Do they just have more time to do it than I do, or are they better masters of their….? Well, you get it.

As for me, my domain is hanging in there, but I’ve let Twitter and LinkedIn and StumbleUpon fall by the wayside. I have a fan page on Facebook, and I barely communicate through that. Can I borrow your watch, because I need to add more time to my day. I know I’m supposed to be attempting to “grow my presence,” but it’s apparent that endeavor in itself is a full-time job.

I’ve been hit over the head with this notion of an online presence with a hammer. I get that it’s all about your “online presence.” No one will read your book if they don’t know who the heck you are. I get it. I get it.

But I’m suffering a little from SMF. I need to get back in the ring and continue punching away until that final bell tolls.

I can’t give up. I have a vested interest in my writings and, though it may not be demonstrated well through this particular post, I do have an unending love for communicating through the written word and creating characters and places for people to read and enjoy.

SMF may have its hold on me now, but I’ll never tire of the writing.