Creativity Magazine

Material Mondays - Crochet Necklace

Posted on the 16 December 2013 by Realityarts @realityarts
Material Mondays - Crochet Necklace
I still enjoy spending time with the crochet needles and coming up with necklace designs.  You can be creative in a different way by not only crocheting the necklaces but also decorating them with beads and other embellishments you might have around.
Material Mondays - Crochet Necklace

I find it is really relaxing activity that can be done while your sitting with the family, you can still be involved with the conversation and not isolated in the studio.

Material Mondays - Crochet Necklace

We all have those times when our creativity needs a kick start especially when you might be feeling a bit stuck and wanting some inspiration.  I find that it helps to do something totally different as a way of encouraging the creative juices to flow.Material Mondays - Crochet Necklace
 With the necklaces, I have kept the design fairly simple and used some seed beads to decorate alongside some silver buttons

Material Mondays - Crochet Necklace
Here it is the full necklace and the crochet hook that I used, you make it whatever size required, and use the wool that you prefer.Material Mondays - Crochet Necklace
The necklace is good to go!Material Mondays - Crochet Necklace

The necklace can be made the focal piece of an outfit either for a casual affair or a more formal engagement.Material Mondays - Crochet Necklace
If you are considering learning how to take part in creative activity check out Craftsy online courses, at the moment they are doing a special offer on some of their classes, and they are offering some free mini courses. Click here.

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