Material Mondays - Dragonfly Slow Stitching and Beading Project

Posted on the 22 June 2023 by Realityarts @realityarts

I have a stitched project from my last Material Mondays to complete and in the video that I share I show you how I would continue to work on this project.
I share with you how I would continue to work on this project by adding beading to the surface. I love incorporating beads into my stitched projects and I have managed to gather quite a collection over the years. Beading enhances your project and enables you to tell your story, there is also a therapeutic experience that goes hand in hand with slow stitching and quite a satisfying feeling on completion of the project.
Check out the video below to see how I go through the process of selecting the right beads for the project.

Here are some additional ways that incorporating beading to your project will impact in a positive way to your overall health and wellbeing.

Bead Selection

Choosing beads for your slow stitching projects can be a sensory journey in itself, carefully examining their colors, textures, and shapes, allows you to indulge in the pleasure of selection - deciding what looks best for your project. Each bead holds the potential to enhance your project and become a tiny work of art in its own right. As you take your time to select the right beads, you tap into your intuition and creative vision, creating a connection between your stitched design and the chosen embellishments.

A Meditative Process:

Incorporating beads into your slow stitching projects invites you to enter a state of mindfulness. As you thread each bead onto your needle and place it within the fabric, you focus and the repetitive motion of beading becomes a form of meditation.

Visual Delight:

Whatever type of beads you choose, each bead carries its unique color and sparkle. You spend time looking over your selection of beads and additional uses for projects come to mind.

Completing a Project

Completing a slow stitching project already brings immense satisfaction and a sense of accomplishment. When beads are incorporated, this feeling is magnified. The process of threading and securing each bead adds an extra layer of dedication and attention to detail. It serves as a testament to your creativity, patience, and the story that is told through your work.

Personal Style and Storytelling:

Beaded embellishments offer a unique opportunity to infuse your slow stitching projects with personal style and narrative. With each bead, you have the power to tell a story, evoke emotions, or be reminded of a memory. The selection and placement of beads enable you to create a deeply meaningful connection between your stitched art and your own personal journey.

Incorporating beading into your slow stitching projects comes a transformational experience, intertwining creativity, mindfulness, and personal expression. The therapeutic effects of selecting the right beads, mindfully adding them to your stitches, and seeing the project completed is so satisfying.

So, embrace the magic of beading in your slow stitching journey, and witness how each tiny bead adds a touch of sparkle and soul to your stitched masterpieces.

Before you go...