Creativity Magazine

Material Musings - Mixed Media Art Dolls

Posted on the 18 June 2024 by Realityarts @realityarts

In todays episode I share the work I did with some art dolls. They were part of a lesson on the Making Zen art Retreat and were fun to create.

Material Musings - Mixed Media Art Dolls Material Musings - Mixed Media Art Dolls

I also completed one of my projects that had been wax resisted and dyed with conventional dye, then I added slow stitching to it. The final stage is adding beading to it, which you can see me add some seed and bugle beads to the project. Both the slow stitching and beading are such a relaxing activity, check out the Info graph below which shares the benefits of slow stitching.

Material Musings - Mixed Media Art Dolls Material Musings - Mixed Media Art Dolls

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Material Musings - Mixed Media Art Dolls Material Musings - Mixed Media Art Dolls

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