May 2016 [Month in Photos]

Posted on the 03 June 2016 by Ninabille @ThoughtsImages

Painterly Apps Impresso & Brushtroke

This May has been special in many ways:
  • My May started at the Hillsong Color Conference in London - a lovely trip and time together with friends, being lifted up and enjoying the fellowship, worship and teaching ... Not to forget some sightseeing with Fish and Chips
  •  Warm and sunny days made the nature and flowers blossom ... the scent of spring flowers in the neighborhood has been delightful 
  • Time at the School Camp in the countryside with pine trees, bonfire & walks by the sea - with a bunch of creative and unique kids - did make a great break in the Great Outdoors
  • Days at work has flown by fast - sometimes you wish you could seize the time to maybe finish a few more things before calling it a day ... yet the important things manages to be taken care of, in the end of the day
  • In the end of May we held a party for our younger son - he's already 15 years old - and we had my parents staying with us 4 days ... With the heat wave and sun shine with us - Summer has arrived!

... Wishing you a peaceful weekend,
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