May I Introduce to You…

Posted on the 05 July 2014 by Redneckprincess @RdNeckPrincess

May I introduce to you...

My newest addiction…Belle. A 2010 thing of beauty :)

Belle Front-side

She is lovely and she has a V6…before you start in on me, as I have always been the first one to mouth off and say that there is no point in even owning a Mustang unless it’s a V8, let me just say to you that this baby goes…and I am a girl. With nothing to prove.


And you know what?

She makes my heart pitter patter…that and the fact that I will no longer be paying through the ass to drive my car. In as much as I really had no idea that my next car was indeed going to be another Mustang (I had actually planned on a SUV when I first started checking things out) at least she will get some good gas mileage.

And it’s a stick. And I love me some 5 speed baby.

Stick shift

When I sold my 2004 Mustang Annie…I never really got over it. It was a bonehead move on my part. Granted. She was a sweetie.

But Belle is filling the void. Driving this car is fun!!!

It’s loud, and has way more than enough get up and go for me…

There are a few unfortunate things going on in the engine bay that have made this Mustang addicted Car girl with OCD wince a little bit, but I have already started working on that.

I will slowly get rid of the horrible black tape and the split loom…I have already started with the tape, and the engine bay is already far cleaner than it was yesterday. She will be up to snuff in no time!

Mostly it just seemed like the right thing to do and everything lined up perfectly. This year, Mustang turns 50 as do I, it just make sense that we should be together again, don’t ya think?

It also proves that some addictions are hard to break, even when you think you have moved on, at this point I am pretty okay with that :)

Happy Saturday folks!!!