May is for Brittany

Posted on the 15 April 2013 by Brittanypigg @twinkletoesbrit
So, I've decided that May is my month. My month to relax and blog. Preferably with Starbucks and Pandora. Here's why April is NOT my month:
  1. I've spent April sick so far. I had a cold first... I think. I didn't actually go to the doctor, but it wasn't my regular allergies. Then came a stomach virus. I think yesterday was the end of that, so I'm waiting to find out what's next.
  2. Not eating for four days because of a stomach virus apparently makes your nails brittle. Do you know what happens when you stub your toe with brittle nails? I wish I didn't.
  3. My professors decided to make everything due in April so we wouldn't be bombarded with stuff in May. All of them. 
  4. Two dance competitions with two weeks of practice each. 5 days a week. Back to back.
And here's why May IS my month:
  1. Everything due in April means nothing due in May.
  2. All this dancing means beach body.
  3. The Perry Mountain 24 Hour Challenge is in May. I have been waiting for this race all year!
  4. With school ending in May, I will have free time again!
So what am I going to do with my month? Probably sleep. But, I also want to start baking cupcakes again. And work on my scrapbook. Ahhh, I'm ready for May.