
Posted on the 01 May 2012 by Jyothi @juxtatcr

Since morning today, I have been getting this urge in me to keep saying MAYDAY, MAYDAY, MAYDAY. Don’t ask me why!

Today is the first of May. Every month beginning for most people is all about paying bills and settling down to the routine of work for the coming month. Deadlines to be met, tasks to be accomplished and a long list of “TO DO” things.

Being intrigued by my sudden fascination for the month of May and a few FB posts mentioning May as an important month, made me Google for the term “May Day”.

I was pleasantly surprised to find three different meanings of it in under three minutes. I must appreciate the power of the internet here. But, I will keep that for another post.

Here is what I found out and I thought I must share it with you all here.

1. The Distress Signal

2. International Worker’s day

3. Spring Festival.

If you ask me what the weather is in the UAE, I think I will call it Spring. And it has brought about a spring in my step and a smile on my face.

But it leaves me to wonder, while my heart says “Mayday – definition  3″ and enjoy, my head keeps telling me “Mayday – definition  1″ and beware.

What do I listen to the head or the heart?