We're so excited that the end of November has rolled around - I feel like I've been looking forward to Christmas for so long and it seems to be taking forever to actually arrive, but now that December is just one more sleep away it finally feels like it's really starting and I couldn't be more excited!
November has to be the worst month of the year for me - I don't know what it is about it, perhaps its that this is the month it suddenly starts going darker so much earlier and we get so much less daylight, perhaps its that this is the month when the weather seems to shift from a bit chilly to suddenly being absolutely freezing and raining most of the time - or perhaps it's just that I wish the whole month away waiting for the Christmas things to start and that there's nothing much to look forward to in November - whatever the reason, it's felt like a very long, dark, wet, depressing month!!

We've all had colds and for the first time in this pregnancy I've been feeling really under the weather and fed up! Perhaps it's because I announced it last month, but up until then it all had all seemed to going by pretty quickly but the last month its dragged and I can't believe I'm still only 27 weeks along - it's starting to suddenly feel like a LONG time until February!!
But it's not all been depressing, we have had some fun this month too - we went to a local Christmas parade which was quite nice (though very cold!), I've had fun doing my Christmas shopping in record time and planning out activities for December, and we had a really nice bonfire night celebration at my sisters house which was good fun - I just wish Bonfire night fell half way through the month so there was something to look forward to for November!
So all in all, although November hasn't been all bad - I'm really glad to see it go and welcome in the month of December...at last!!!!

This Month, Jon Is Loving:
*Christmas shopping being done with so we can visit less stores and spend less time in all the traffic!
*Lots of Christmas chocolate samples arriving to test out!
I am Loving:
*Planning things to do for the month of December...I want serious Christmas overload!!!
*Finishing off my Christmas shopping - just a bottle of whisky for Dad, cards and wrapping paper left to buy! Woohoo!
*The anticipation of Christmas and getting the house decorated! My favorite time of year and our tree arrives this week - squeeeee!!!
Tyne Is Loving:
*Telling me I'm his best friend about 20 times a day, which melts my heart every time and never gets old! (Daddy's not so keen...ha ha!)
*Getting excited about our new Elf visitor!
*The arrival of Christmas sweets and chocolate santas in stores!
Noah Is Loving:
*His new Chicco walker - he scoots around everywhere in it and is loving the freedom!
*Stealing Tyne's trains to play with - he has very little interest in baby toys at the moment, I think we have another future train nerd on our hands!
*Banging on my bump!! I think he knows there's a baby in there and he wants to say Hello! Or he thinks it's a drum!
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