Meeting M

Posted on the 15 February 2013 by Missliabilities
Linking up with Medicine, a love story today with my own medical love story.
It all started with a boy and a girl, and that boy was not M. Karma has a funny way of coming back to haunt you. Keep that in mind as you read on.
I had a huge crush on K the moment I met him. When our fates aligned he had a long distance girlfriend. That didn't stop me from flirting and hanging out with him every chance I got.
He introduced me to M at a bar trivia night. M kept glancing at me that night and eventually I asked K if the boy had a girlfriend. K lied and said he did so I wouldn't pursue M. Infuriated he openly checked me out while in a relationship, I refused to go out to trivia if that "asshole" was there.
But one day he showed up to one anyways wearing my high school rival's shirt. To make K jealous I openly flirted with the hometown boy and made plans to see him when I got back from 4 months in England.
The night I arrived from England, I lost my cell phone and couldn't call M to meet up. I messaged him on Facebook and for once in the four years I've now known him- he checked it! We met up for a walk in the woods and I kissed his cheek.
The next month we kept seeing each other, and while I was still trying to make K jealous I was falling unintentionally crazy in love with M mere four months before we graduated college.
That karma of flirting with a boy who had a long distance relationship bit me in the ass quickly. I ended up in one for over 2 years! The funny thing is, we are best friends with K (we are staying at his house tomorrow!) and I am now friends with his girlfriend.
Life is so funny at times.