Meh. Reflux.

Posted on the 05 September 2013 by Alex_bumptobaby @bumptobaby_blog
I'm feeling 'meh' about Ethans reflux. It seems to all of a sudden have got worse. He's four months and some websites suggest that reflux can reach it's 'peak' at around 4-6 months. So maybe this is why.
Tuesday, he spent the whole day screaming. Yes, the actual whole day. I don't know that it was his reflux upsetting him for sure. I just know that the amount he was bringing up got worse. I had been trying him on baby porridge, so I wondered if this was perhaps not helping. But Wednesday he didn't have any, and though he wasn't as upset, he threw up more than I'd ever seen. So I know it's just reflux from his bottle.
I'm not talking a bit of 'spit up' or one sick per bottle. I'm talking 4-5 MASSIVE amounts of sick per bottle. That is, Ethan, me, the sofa, the floor, anything and everything getting soaked in sick each bottle. 
If you have read my blog for a while you may be aware that we put 1 infant Gaviscon sachet in each bottle, this had semi been helping. Not stopping it, but certainly helping. If we ever forget it, we know straight away because the sick is ridiculous. 
I took him to the Doctors on Tuesday and among other advice got 'He'll grow out of it', this is fine, I'm sure he will, but it's really starting to distress me. Seeing him throw so much of his milk up, for want of a better word, sucks. The last couple of days I've really dreaded bottle time. I don't want to feel like that. 
Things could be worse, I know. He could be in a lot of pain with it, he could not be gaining weight, he could be unhappy. But he's not unhappy, he's generally such a happy little guy and his weight is fine. 
The Doctor didn't want to look at the medication route because of this. He's not suffering with it as such. And if I'm honest I don't want him on medication. I just wish it wouldn't get worse. I'm going to explore upping his Gaviscon as he is actually allowed 2 sachets per bottle, I just need to be careful with how many times per day -- it's a bit confusing. 
I know I'm lucky that Ethan is otherwise healthy, but I can't help but feel a little bit down as we both sit there soaked in thrown-up milk whilst he is still chucking up more. I feel bad and I feel sorry for him. I guess that's just part of being a Mum. 
I'd be interested to know if anyone else has had or has a baby with severe reflux?

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