Diaries Magazine
Melting Moments
Posted on the 12 June 2013 by C. Suresh
There are cities that are termed 'melting pots of culture'. There is this city which seems to have taken that phrase too literally with a special emphasis on the 'melting' part. Delhi seems to be concentrating on melting anyone who has haplessly strayed into its precincts. So, if someone talks of a river of people in Delhi, you cannot be sure whether he is talking only figuratively or whether he actually means that what is now a river was once a crowd of people melted down.
That reminded me of a friend of mine who used to say, "Summers in Delhi are very romantic. Full of melting moments." In all my near eighteen years in Delhi I never found Romance, however. It is, may be, because I was too busy melting all by myself to melt in anyone else's company. Now, though, people melt away the moment I hove to on the horizon. (Maybe they did even then - but, as I said, I was too busy melting to notice)
As I sit here contemplating another day of venturing into the cauldron, my only consolation is that my trip to the Himalayas will help re-freeze me into some humanoid shape. As it is, people say that I look like some child had put me together from lumps of snow - a sort of animated Snowman, abominable or otherwise - and this repeated melting and re-freezing is certainly not helping the cause of converting me into every Pretty Young Thing's dream man (Hey! I read fantasy, so you cannot stop me indulging in the wildest of fantasies!)
Once more into the furnace my friends. I have nothing to lose but my moisture, having lost everything else.
That reminded me of a friend of mine who used to say, "Summers in Delhi are very romantic. Full of melting moments." In all my near eighteen years in Delhi I never found Romance, however. It is, may be, because I was too busy melting all by myself to melt in anyone else's company. Now, though, people melt away the moment I hove to on the horizon. (Maybe they did even then - but, as I said, I was too busy melting to notice)
As I sit here contemplating another day of venturing into the cauldron, my only consolation is that my trip to the Himalayas will help re-freeze me into some humanoid shape. As it is, people say that I look like some child had put me together from lumps of snow - a sort of animated Snowman, abominable or otherwise - and this repeated melting and re-freezing is certainly not helping the cause of converting me into every Pretty Young Thing's dream man (Hey! I read fantasy, so you cannot stop me indulging in the wildest of fantasies!)
Once more into the furnace my friends. I have nothing to lose but my moisture, having lost everything else.