Melting Moments Monday – Cute Stuff

Posted on the 17 September 2012 by Meltingmoments

I’m going to be one of ‘those’ bragging  parents and give you a list of things that my eighteen month old daughter has been doing that I find very cute and meltworthy:

1. Lately, instead of waking up crying through the night, she wakes up and sings.

2. She grabs a tissue out of the box, puts it to her nose and says “achoo.”

3. When we put her to bed at night, we wish her sweet dreams and say “see you in the morning” to which she replies “hooot hooot” (~ Thank you Giggle and Hoot).

4. When practicing her animal sounds, we ask “And what does Nanny say?” and she makes Nanny’s throat clearing cough sound.

5. She tries to jump but only one foot leaves the ground at a time.

6. She rests her head on a cushion on the lounge, says “Nigh-nigh” and makes snoring noises.. “snort shhhh, snort shhh”

What cute things are your kids doing lately?