Diaries Magazine

Melting Moments Monday Linky #2 – Nanny

Posted on the 20 August 2012 by Meltingmoments

A bit of a late entry for MMM this week but better late than never.
I am so lucky to have my mother living close by. While she can’t help out as much as she likes due to some mobility issues, she visits us every few days. We saw a lot of Nanny this week. We visited parks, had picnic lunches and went for drives in the car to do resume drops (I’m returning to work soon).
Newly affectionate Dora, loves her Nanny. When she sees her car pull up out the front of our house she gets so excited.
When nanny asks for hugs with open arms, Dora runs into them. Nanny is cuddly.
I particularly love how Dora mimics Nanny’s nervous cough. It sounds so cute.
When the phone rings in our house, Dora always thinks it’s Nanny.
Nanny is always spoiling us with treats and dinners. This week’s treat was apple and custard muffins. I will share the recipe with you, they are yum.
This week’s melting moments all contain our Nanny. The way she loves us makes me melt.

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