Melting Moments Monday – Sick Bubba Cuddles

Posted on the 04 June 2012 by Meltingmoments

My poor B2 has been very sick with tonsillitis the last few days. He has been one very unhappy and upset little boy. It is heartbreaking to see him in such a state. While there is nothing fun about having a sick child, there were a few moments over the past few days where I’ve thought to myself , ‘Ahh, now this is love. This is a perfect moment!’

When your baby needs you and wants you and only you, there is just no feeling like the sense of comfort they get from being in your arms. After a horrible few hours of constant screaming which nothing would stop he finally calmed down a little and just sat there in my lap, cuddling into me and would not move. He didn’t want to be put down or held by anyone else and would just look up at me, do a little smile from under his puffy, sick looking eyes and cuddle in even closer. Well that moment melted my heart like no other. It made every scream and cry fade from memory and almost enveloped me in a cloud of perfect, unbreakable, indescribable love.
