Diaries Magazine

Memoir Workshop

Posted on the 07 February 2018 by Moduffycobb @moduffycobb

I had the pleasure of offering a Memoir Workshop yesterday with this beautiful group of souls, at the Kensington, PEI  Senior Surfers Group.

We sure learned a lot about each other, and what a wonderful day it was to reflect on the power of memoir, life writing, and how to put the daily writing process into your life.

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The gang tried their hands at a few writing prompts, writing scenes, and even added intrusions of time to the scenes once they were written! #Flashback #Flashforward #InMediasRes #SlowedTime

I was fascinated to learn their complex histories, and by the end of the day we were braiding narratives, writing flash nonfiction and they event want me to back to teach them how to use computers!

Thanks Aunt Norma for organizing this event 🙂

Memoir WorkshopMemoir WorkshopMemoir WorkshopMemoir Workshop

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