Memorial Day Weekend 2013 - First Cemetery Visit

Posted on the 28 May 2013 by Rodeomurrays4 @RodeoMurrays4
We had perfect weather and probably the best time anyone has ever had decorating graves for Memorial Day. The little B's had never been to a cemetery before in their young lives. They were a little apprehensive to begin with, but once they understood the concept, they were thrilled to help clean and decorate my grandparents' and uncle's graves. We took before and after pictures, and then made our way around the cemetery to decorate and visit other graves. Brailey didn't want to leave! She loved seeing all her "relatives!" She couldn't believe she was related to so many people. Like my mom said, it is lucky they haven't had to experience a cemetery any other way, because if they had, it wouldn't have been quite as much fun. As it was, they really enjoyed themselves, and frankly, so did my mom and I!

Cleaning and preparing the graves for decoration. This grave (Maupin) is for my mom's parents, and it sits next to their son, my Uncle Bud. 

Britt was trying to see if he could hear anything "down there." 

 BEFORE...  AFTER!    

This is my dad's father, "Papa Pud" as we called him. 

This is  the Catholic priest who baptized and gave first communion to my mom, brother and I. He was the first priest  I ever met, and we all loved him. He was Irish and all I remember about him is how special he made me feel and how much I loved him. He used to come and stay with us on the ranch. I remember when he passed away, my mom and Aunt Renee were devastated. We all were. His grave is at the head of the Catholic section in the Burns Cemetery, now. It was nice to see that he was ordained on June 6th, a special day in our family, since it is Brailey's birthday!

The alter at the top of the Catholic section of the cemetery.

This precious grave is for my cousin Robin, whom I never got to meet. Brailey found a spare flower to lay next to it. I remember my dad carried a picture in his wallet of her for years and years, until he lost his entire wallet one day. That picture of her was what he was most upset about losing. We searched the Willamette Valley over, but it still hasn't turned up. Brailey and Britt were especially touched by this grave.  

Brailey did not want to leave! She truly loved looking at all the graves and seeing what the names were. "I found another Mace!" she cried with joy at one point. 

I'm so thankful we were able to help my mom decorate at the cemetary this Memorial Day and to experience such a special time doing it. It is a beautiful memory that will be with us always.