This morning Annika cheered big when I came downstairs, wrapped her arms around my neck, and whispered her request for some tea in my ear. We snuggled on the couch and I tried not to annoy her too much while I sniffed my favorite spot just behind her ear where her hairline is. I know that she won't always want to cuddle, and even now feel those times becoming fewer and fewer. She is learning new things by the day and will be registered for Kindergarten by the end of the month. She loves to sing the lyrics to songs on the radio, and can't wait for spring to come so she can ride her bike more.
Miss Mayzie is blossoming and becoming more independent every day. I adore our mornings playing together while Annika is at pre-school, and will be a little sad when she goes to pre-school next year. She loves to play dress-up, and always gravitates to the princess clothes (so very opposite of her sister). This particular morning, she really wanted to have her picture taken, so I savored the opportunity to snap as many shots as I could on the iPad.
The dexterity and pace with which Annika has been learning new skills has been astounding to me. She got a fun book of snacks she could make herself, and she loves to show me how she follows the directions but then adds her own creative elements. Those marshmallows were not part of the recipe. She's so proud and so am I.
The silly faces of Mayzie crack me up, and one of her favorite games is playing with her face while taking pictures on the iPad. She insists on seeing them immediately afterward and falls out laughing at her own ingenious hilarity. I love this, and I hope she never loses this goofiness.
Together my girls are beautiful and adorable and constant comedic relief. They are sweet jellybeans, salty pretzels, spicy salami sticks, and crunchy pepper rings. They are Buckeyes and Berliners and now Hoosiers, and have hearts of the purest gold. Their chocolate and hazelnut eyes penetrate my soul and keep me grounded in a way that I so desperately need in my life. Their knobby knees and sharp elbows bring me a happiness that I never could have imagined. I am proud of them and always, always in awe that I had anything to do with their existence.