Messing About with Paint

Posted on the 12 March 2013 by Elizabethwix

So we're home from foreign parts, and getting back in the swing of things. On Saturday and Sunday I had  terrific fun both teaching and taking a book-making workshop. (I was teaching the writing part.)

I prepared some writing prompts, got out my trusty water colors and got ready to have fun.

Ah, the joy of art supplies, and collage and painting pages!

And mixing and gluing!

So, we made eight pages and put them into a book. You can see the  cardboard spine by the water bottle (top left).

Anyway, out of much creative chaos, overseen by Roxanne and Seth and me, there emerged......

ten stunningly individual books. Jo is rather elegant and minimal.

Another Jo's book was about family and her mother's recipes. What meal could possibly need green beans and orange juice at the same time? Hm..... 

A very messy page from my work in progress. My first attempt at collage and rather horticultural. Anyway, a good time was had by all. (I think!)