Mindful Living #AtoZChallenge

Posted on the 21 March 2016 by Vidyasury @vidyasury

There you go! I actually wrote my A to Z Challenge theme reveal post today in a waiting room. Yes, there were websites - with spiders - and we enjoyed watching them go about their job!

Now, the transcript of those handwritten notes:

Little did I think I would be writing my A to Z Challenge 2016 Theme Reveal post, waiting at the passport office - waiting, in fact, to be harassed with nothing to show fo rit after several hours - of running around, in the sun and upstairs and downstairs, because you know, that's how they roll!

So while my son, whose passport renewal was the reason we were there, was busy composing poetry, I decided to "write", really write my posts. But not before I had finished fretting over the two hours it had taken us to get there, and heaven knew how many more before we left.

"Mummy", said my son, "You really should count our blessings".

As I looked at him, a smile spreading across my face, we did indeed follow through with action. Here is what we listed:

  1. Cool room. Big deal, because it was very hot outside
  2. Water to drink. Nectar, really!
  3. Each other's company.
  4. The thought of visiting that dessert place on the way home.
  5. Traveling comfortably by cab - so grateful we could afford it.
  6. A snack bar outside, should we get the munches.
  7. The luxury of time. Yes, we were grateful.
  8. The anticipation of meeting a very close friend after we were done at the passport office.

Guess what? My theme of the A to Z Challenge had just taken birth, thanks to my son. As we appreciated the here and now....


Living in the moment...

Mindful living

That, my friends, is what I will be writing about in April 2016 for this year's A to Z Challenge.

Expect (Gasp!) fairly short posts that will include a mindfulness exercise or practice you can use. Something like Smiling meditation and chocolate meditation. I hope to bundle these posts into an ebook and that thought excites me.

Last year, I enjoyed going with the theme of writing Letters to my son, which seemed appropriate, what with his going away to college soon after.

I used to think it was easier not to go with a theme, but after last year, I am convinced that it makes sense because:

  1. It is easier to plan around a theme
  2. It keeps me focused
  3. I can structure my posts
  4. I feel a nice sense of consistency
  5. You know what to expect

Not saying not having a theme is not okay - but yeah, having experienced both, I'd lean towards a theme.

This year, which is my fourth year with the A to Z Challenge, I am participating with four blogs and I am with Team Damyanti, D's Company.

Yes, I love the A to Z Challenge!

Vidya Sury, Collecting Smiles (you are here, thank you!) - Living Mindfully

Be Healthy Be Happy - healthy living

Life Hacks for Diabetics - no brainer, as the posts will be exactly that.

Life Hacks for Happiness - what the title says!

So, looking forward to all the fun, the excitement, the stress and enjoyment!

What's your theme for the A to Z Challenge this year?

Here's the link to sign up for the A to Z Challenge

Three years ago, A to Z participant Mina Lobo started the Theme Reveal - and we continue this fun tradition today! Here's the theme reveal linky

Writer, editor, blogger, social media enthusiast. Love DIY, Coffee, Music, Reading, Photography, Family, Friends and Life. Mantra: Happiness is a DIY Project. In my free time I play with my dust bunnies and show my diabetes who's boss. Tweet as @vidyasury