EN: Saturday morning are for relaxing, buying fresh flowers and enjoying the simple things in life. This is what Paris and I got up to when I came back from doing some secondhand shopping and picking some things from the mail. These photos are from a while back, a few months for sure, found the photos this morning and decided to share them. :)ES: Las mañanas de Sábado están hechos para relajarse, comprar flores frescas y disfrutar de los pequeños placeres de la vida. Ésto es lo que hicimos Paris y yo cuando volvimos de unas compritas de seguna mano y tras pasar por correos (me encaaanta recibir paquetitos). Éstas fotos son de hace unos meses, pero me las he encontrado esta mañana y he decidido compartirlas. :)
Me: "Paris, what are you doing?" - Paris: "I know got me some treats, just looking for them!" Yo: "Paris, qué haces?" - Paris: "Se que me has traido algo, lo estoy buscando!"
This is all I got.. my fave: Cheese bread, YUM! I made these as soon as I got home. So good and easy to make? Ever tried them? They are typical from Brazil. Perfectly round bite sized. Double YUM. I also got the pieces of fabric you can see in the background, amazing, right? Ésto es lo que compré... mi favorito: Pan de queso, tan típico de Brasil! Lo preparé nada mas llegar a casa. Estaban tan buenos como me lo esperaba. Que buenos estaban! También compré las telas que se ven al fondo, son geniales, eh?
My Grandmother knows me SO well. She sent me these amazing M&S goodies. They are too nice to use! :) Love them so much!!!!!Mi abuela me conoce tan bien! Me mandó estas cositas de Marks and Spencers. Son demasiado bonitas para usarlas. Me encantan!!
Nothing can beat a home made meal, especially if made from scratch with lots of love.No hay nada mejor que una comida casera. Sopa de verduras con ensalada.
When Paris realiced I hand't brought anything for her, she decided to climb on the sofa and supervise me from the heights. Such a cutie pie. <3Cuando Paris se dio cuenta que no le había traído nada, decidió subirse al sofá a supervisarme desde las alturas. Anda que no es lista ni ná! <3
Every Saturday morning I have brunch and then pick up some bright flowers. It's become a tradition.
Do you have any tradition to welcome the weekend?
Ps. Off to Majorca on holiday tomorrowmorning, OMG, can't wait!!Bloglovin' ♥Twitter ♥Instagram♥ Facebook ♥ Google+