Self Expression Magazine

Mini Haul with Paris My Pet Pig :)

Posted on the 10 April 2014 by Themowway @themowway  - Mini haul with Paris my pet pigEN: Saturday morning are for relaxing, buying fresh flowers and enjoying the simple things in life. This is what Paris and I got up to when I came back from doing some secondhand shopping and picking some things from the mail. These photos are from a while back, a few months for sure, found the photos this morning and decided to share them. :)ES: Las mañanas de Sábado están hechos para relajarse, comprar flores frescas y disfrutar de los pequeños placeres de la vida. Ésto es lo que hicimos Paris y yo cuando volvimos de unas compritas de seguna mano y tras pasar por correos (me encaaanta recibir paquetitos). Éstas fotos son de hace unos meses, pero me las he encontrado esta mañana y he decidido compartirlas. :)  - Mini haul with Paris my pet pigMe: "Paris, what are you doing?" -  Paris: "I know got me some treats, just looking for them!" Yo: "Paris, qué haces?" - Paris: "Se que me has traido algo, lo estoy buscando!"  - Mini haul with Paris my pet pigThis is all I got.. my fave: Cheese bread, YUM! I made these as soon as I got home. So good and easy to make? Ever tried them? They are typical from Brazil. Perfectly round bite sized. Double YUM. I also got the pieces of fabric you can see in the background, amazing, right? Ésto es lo que compré... mi favorito: Pan de queso, tan típico de Brasil! Lo preparé nada mas llegar a casa. Estaban tan buenos como me lo esperaba. Que buenos estaban! También compré las telas que se ven al fondo, son geniales, eh?  - Mini haul with Paris my pet pigMy Grandmother knows me SO well. She sent me these amazing M&S goodies. They are too nice to use! :) Love them so much!!!!!Mi abuela me conoce tan bien! Me mandó estas cositas de Marks and Spencers. Son demasiado bonitas para usarlas. Me encantan!!  - Mini haul with Paris my pet pigNothing can beat a home made meal, especially if made from scratch with lots of love.No hay nada mejor que una comida casera. Sopa de verduras con  - Mini haul with Paris my pet pigWhen Paris realiced I hand't brought anything for her, she decided to climb on the sofa and supervise me from the heights. Such a cutie pie. <3Cuando Paris se dio cuenta que no le había traído nada, decidió subirse al sofá a supervisarme desde las alturas. Anda que no es lista ni ná! <3
Every Saturday morning I have brunch and then pick up some bright flowers. It's become a tradition.
Do you have any tradition to welcome the weekend?
Ps. Off to Majorca on holiday tomorrowmorning, OMG, can't wait!!

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