Mixed Signals…

Posted on the 18 October 2013 by Drowqueen @theburnedhand

When you are faced with a tough situation, what does your body tell you to do?  Is it fight or flight?  The funny thing is, I think most of us initially want to hide.  To use one of my favorite lines, I want to become a “burrito of sadness”.  Wrap up in the blanket and pretend nothing is wrong.  It will go away if I pretend it is not there.  I have learned that once I get over this initial feeling, I am ready for the fight.  Two of my dear friends have been going through chemotherapy at the same time.  One here in the US and the other in Australia.  They do not know each other, and as a matter of fact I have not ever met my friend from the land “Down Under”.

The interesting thing about them is they might not realize how much their fight helps me with my own.  Everyone has set backs.  Everyone has feelings of disappointment.  And everyone I know has regrets of some kind.  No matter what is going on in your life, the quote I am about to post sums it up for all of us.

Decide what to do with the time that is given to you.  Make that choice.  Fight or flight?