Diaries Magazine

Monday 14 05 2012

Posted on the 18 July 2014 by Therealme

Denise told me she was delighted she saw me in COOL. She was at the door.

Vince told us to write a statement to apply for the title “student of the generation”.

-Nick will you write? – Mary asked me.
-I don’t know. I’ll see if Sarah writes.
-Eh not from me. Everyone by themselves. – Sarah said smilingly.
-All right. I to see if you’ll write.
If – keyword.
I wasn’t interested. I didn’t care. Instead of being relaxed on the fifth day before the end, I have obligation. And the way is terrible – the new, first year criteria only makes it lose its value and therefore becomes less important.

On Economy Sarah decided to write, I as well. She distanced from me, she even wrote under angle, but yet she didn’t resist not reading mine.
-Wasn’t I not allowed to see yours?(x2) –Now I’m the one who laughs.
-OK.Don’t fear, I’m not writing the same.
-It’s not because of it.
I just want equality.

I refused to swap with Tiffany because I wanted to see the professors from my place. She told Adele. We smiled.

On Macedonian I was referred as “those that were present” by the professor. Not even my sex.His style. There were no sanctions for them.

crven-krst“300 ass-things” – Sarah said. In the statement there was also supposed to be entered with participation in projects, activities, Red Cross… She had the three of them… Along with three justified absences.
I didn’t care – Like the professors don’t have formed opinion about us for all the four years – they make us beg for something that belongs to us. Looks like they are just filling somebody’s work time.

Home I had a loong conversation with mom about my socializing. I tried to explain her the feeling would be much better if first show the real me to people I want who have also chosen me, hoped that in this state of mind I on some way am with the others. I know it from experience. And why my happiness not to be bigger? Here’s an extract:
-What’s gonna happen to you to go on coffee at Greg’s with our Sarah? She’s your cousin.
-Who else goes with a cousin?
-Well doesn’t Myra’s Sarah go with  her cousins?
-But first she has gang, then with a cousin.I find excuse to everything.
-Еh I wanted to say that to you. Why don’t you want with a cousin?
-What are they gonna think? We don’t have the same sex…
I slowly started to open myself to her.
Until when will I wait? Yes, the sex is my problem. She wanted I to hang out with Melanie. And what do I get? Tomorrow she will be closer to female again. It… just…. There are subjects that are called “sexual organs and processes” and “sex” that usually serves like a barrier in the male-female friendship. Can’t she… can’t THEY realize I want to have males as my best friends? I mean simply, logically, how I to love girls and marry with a female, when I already spend most of the time with my girls friends? Where do they put the need of males in my life? So logically from non-religious aspect, it would be normal to flow into a desire for a lifelong partner. If she believes that I’m closer to females, doesn’t she believe that GOD does miracles?
I won’t allow double standards.At least for my life I decide.

Monday 14 05 2012

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