Monday Night Motivation!

Posted on the 11 March 2013 by Dreamsdramatics @over_dramatic_x


So Monday’s are pretty crap right? You’ve had two luscious days off and then the alarm goes off at Stupid O’Clock on Monday morning and it seems like it’s going to be a thousand years before the weekend is here again. And so I give you – Monday Night Motivation!

If you’ve been at work all day, or at home looking after the children or whatever it is that you do;  I am going to provide you with a little piece of positivity to see you through the rest of the week, and hopefully it will perk you up and help see you through until Friday afternoon!

One day down, four to go!!

Image: Pintrest

Pretty simple, no? Obviously I am not encouraging anybody to quit their jobs and run away to join the circus or anything – but I think most people would admit that they don’t do enough of what makes them happy. So this week, please go forth and do whatever makes you smile, and leave all of the other crap behind because life is too short.

What do you think? Wise words or easier said than done?

Hayley xox