Money Management 101: 6 Habits to Develop for a Better Financial Future

Posted on the 23 November 2022 by Sparklesandstretchmarks @raine_fairy

Money management is very rarely taught in schools or even at home. A lot of adults know everything they do about money management simply through trial and error. This, obviously, is not sustainable, and it can, in fact, lead to financial mistakes, which can then be incredibly detrimental to your future. Luckily, becoming better with your money doesn’t have to be a struggle. There are a few habits that you can work to cultivate to ensure that you become better at taking care of your finances. Let’s take a look.

Allow Your Wage to Inform Your Budget

This might seem obvious, but a lot of people find themselves living beyond their means, whether accidentally or intentionally. Either way, this obviously is not sustainable, and this can lead to the accumulation of debts. Your wage is likely to fluctuate as you progress through your career too. Your wage should always be the biggest factor when it comes to developing a budget, which is why you need to continually reassess and update your budget as necessary.

Start Saving Every Month 

Every time you are paid, one of the first things you should do is to put a portion of your wages into a savings account. You will need to account for this in your budget, but getting into the habit of making steady, reliable deposits into your savings account is a great habit to get into. The amount that you are able to put into your savings each month will obviously depend on how much you earn and what your budget looks like. By doing this, your savings will quickly increase, and who knows when you’ll need a bit of extra cash to hand to deal with any unexpected expenses.

Curb Impulse Spending

When young people first get a job and have their own independent income, they tend to splurge and spend it on frivolities; as you get older, it can be difficult to break this habit. However, impulse purchases can quickly eat away at your disposable income. Try to take some time to think through each purchase before you make it. To avoid wasting your money, you really need to look for ways to save a little money and trim the fat. Instead of buying lunch or a coffee every day, why not bring it from home? In the end, it comes down to simply being more mindful when spending your money.

Come Up with Back Up Plans

By their very nature, unexpected expenses can crop up from time to time, and they are almost impossible to predict. If you want to deal with them properly, then you need to have a plan in place. Sometimes, these expenses will be pretty manageable and easily accounted for by your budget and other times, they are a lot harder to deal with. Using your savings for these expenses is definitely an option, but your savings may be tied up and harder to access. Luckily, there are other options to consider, like short-term loans from providers like Sunny.

Don’t Place too Much Importance on Trends

One of the biggest money pits that you can fall into is trying to chase trends. It is really easy to be influenced by the constant bombardment of advertising and find yourself chasing trends, whether they be technology, fashion or even home décor. However, this is a losing battle. Trends change regularly, and in trying to keep up, you often just end up wasting your money. Before you spend your money on something, think about whether you actually need that particular item or service. This isn’t to say that you shouldn’t enjoy a few luxuries here and there, but by and large, they should be occasional treats as opposed to regular purchases.

Develop a Debt Management Plan

You cannot hope for a more stable financial future without first ensuring that you have dealt with your debts or, at the very least, developed a debt management plan. You should start by assessing the extent of your debt. You need to know exactly how much you owe and to who. You can then begin to work out a repayment schedule that you can manage. Remember to liaise with your creditors; they will often try to help you to come up with the best terms. If not, there are a number of other professionals working in debt management that can help you.

In Summary

Unfortunately, humans aren’t born with an inherent knowledge of fiscal responsibility, it has to be learnt, but it isn’t often taught. This does make money management a challenge for some people, but it can be done. In the end, developing a better understanding of money management simply comes down to the adoption and accumulation of smarter financial habits. Think about your approach to your finances and whether you have already picked up the habits listed above.

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