Monkee-ing Around in Manchester - My Tribute to Davy Jones

Posted on the 02 March 2012 by Alison @AlStaples
Yesterday, as a tribute to Monkees' legend, Davy Jones, I promised to spend the day 'Monkee-ing around' in Manchester. This is how I got on. I hope Davy would approve.
First of all, I got an e-mail from Manchester Confidential inviting me to take part in the Manchester Duck Race, on the River Irwell through Spinningfields, in aid of Children's charity Brainwave. As they asked so nicely, it would have been rude to refuse! 
It's only £1 per duck, so I thought - "duck me - I'll have 10". I'll be giving them to family and friends as Easter presents. How exciting - under the circumstances I am particularly keen to come second.  2nd Prize: Family tickets to Monkey Business at The Opera House and pre show meal at Giraffe. Now if that's not a Monkees' reference then I don't know what is.
Click on this link to enter - go on, I'll race you!

Monkee-ing around in Manchester - my tribute to Davy Jones

Picture source Spinningfields online

Moving on, it was a nice day so, I decided to go and Monkee around on the outdoor gym in Worthington Park in Sale. We did get the funniest looks from everyone we met!

Monkee-ing around in Manchester - my tribute to Davy Jones

Didn't have my camera so this was taken last summer.

Finally, last night was our regular Cocktail Club evening. When I say regular, we plan them on a regular basis, but at the last minute something always crops up. The last one we actually all made was well before Christmas!
This time, only a note from the Pope was going to suffice as an excuse. However it seems that a Chinese delegation and an emergency hair appointment (after one club member inadvertently turned her hair orange after a bad reaction to a hair mask) top trumps a note from the Pope!
Reduced to 50% we battled on regardless. As a tribute to Davy, it seemed only right that I reflect an animal theme in my choice of footwear. I was undecided ......
Monkee-ing around in Manchester - my tribute to Davy Jones

We ended up in The Alchemist (again in Spinningfields, home of duck battles to come) which gave us some top class mixology.
My cherry bakewell martini was like drinking a trifle. It was awesome!

And as we sat at the bar, watching 'The Karate Kid' on the video screen behind the big 'Back to the Future' clock, in the spirit of Monkee-ing around, we 'waxed on', 'waxed off' and 'painted the fence'. Again, we got some funny looks - but who cares?!

So long Davy Jones, I enjoyed my day Monkee-ing around. To me your light will always shine brightly!