…Monkey Around

Posted on the 09 February 2016 by Zer @the2women


Happy Chinese New Year, and welcome to the year of the monkey!

What does that mean for you? Well, it depends on the year you were born, and how much stock you put in lunar cycles.

Obviously, if you were born in the year of the Monkey (2004, 1992, 1980, etc…) this is your year. But it’s also a good year for the Snake, Dragon, Sheep, and Ox. Apparently you all get along with the Monkey.

The Tiger, Rabbit, Pig, and Dog crowds, on the other hand, well, you know what you did or didn’t do. The year of the Monkey is not your friend. 

The rest of you, well apparently the Monkey hasn’t formed an opinion on you. So this year could go either way.

If the lunar prediction is not in your favor, don’t sweat it. It could always be worse. You could have pissed off the puppy monkey baby…

…Monkey Around

More on the Story: Telegraph

…just for fun: