Montessori Update

Posted on the 10 June 2014 by Felicakes @felicakes

About 2 weeks ago, M and I had our very first Parent Teacher meeting.  I was really looking forward to the meeting as I have not had any real feedback from her class Directress.  I was also curious to know how was she progressing and adapting at Montessori "school".

A little bit about the Lil' Tiger.  She is turning 4 this year, she goes into full time daycare with Montessori "school" Cycle 1 in it.  She loves going to Montessori and is very happy in it.  Before going to Montessori, she went to a Reggio Emilia inspired center.

Her class Directress is amazing.  You can see that she is so passionate about what she is "teaching" and really believes in the teachings. Her feedback was amazing and she keeps telling me that she can see the changes in the Lil' Tiger and how fast she is picking up things.  I did tell her that I try to do Montessori style jobs at home so it flows from home to Montessori. 

There are a few areas that the Directress said that the Lil' Tiger could improve on, one was her "calling" her friends from one side of the class to the other side.  Oppps... I think this is partly my fault because at home, we usually "call" each other from one room to come into the other room. I think I need to work on that too.  I can't really remember what the other one was but it's something small that I am not too worried about.

The LT could recognize a few letters and numbers now and I am really happy with that.  She can count up to 30 without any hesitation, a major milestone for me since she only could count to 10 this time last year. She excels in her math skills, pictured above where she is making geometric paterns from wooden shapes.

I am quite happy with her progress there and I really wish I could send her to a full time Montessori school next year but, that is really out of our budget.  So, in the meantime, I will still try to have Montessori jobs/activities at home.