Monthly RoundUp {link Up}

Posted on the 01 February 2013 by Wifessionals @wifessionals

A link up that takes a look back at your recent blogging past.

This month I have the opportunity to co-host with Jennifer!  
Here's what you do:
--- follow your host and co-host 
--- tweet about the link up    
--- link up.
That's it.  Super easy.  Can't wait to read all of your posts and see what you've been up to lately.

My monthly roundup!

1// I lost $40 & gained a new perspective here  2// I made some killer mac & cheese here
3// We prayed for a little boy & our prayers got answered here & here  4// I finally got the "sharpie project" to work here.
5// I showed you a creative cheap date night here  6// I talked about longing here
7// I taught you how to make a hovering Pinterest button here  8// I exposed the worst present I've ever received here
9// You got to see our romantic getaway here  10// I made a delicious CLEAN recipe here
11// I encouraged you to stop hating on each other here  12// I shared something that could be killing you here
So what did you do in the past month?!
Now.... get to linking up!

*you can read what this linkup is about HERE.