More Fuel for the Great Titanic Obsession

Posted on the 25 May 2012 by Rodeomurrays4 @RodeoMurrays4
Britt is a lucky boy! Brailey's beloved best friend, Carrie, got him this gynormous model of the Titanic at a garage sale her church held. She knew he would love it! Not only that, but she wrapped it up - Carrie's a special and sweet girl, and we couldn't be happier she and Brailey are besties. So Britt found the wrapped box in the car, right where he sits, when he got out of school. He pestered Brailey the entire ride home about what it might be... To say he was happy when he opened it would the greatest understatement ever made. He loves it! It has never been put together, and all the pieces and directions are still in plastic wrapping. It is an amazing find! Now he has a project to work on this summer. A lucky, lucky boy, indeed!