Diaries Magazine

More of Life's Great Mysteries...

Posted on the 22 February 2014 by Ellenarnison @Ellen27
More of life's great mysteries...

Why it's impossible to make a small quantity of coleslaw. I try, really. I'm the only one who really likes it and, even then, not enough to justify the bowl-busting quantities. 

Why children can hardly be hauled from their beds from Monday to Friday, yet are up with the lark at the weekend. 

Why four words from an English musician who lives in America has sparked more discussion about the Independence Referendum than anything else. 

Why housewife is often preceded by "just a". 

Why anyone cares about same-sex marriage. What difference does it make who other people want to marry? 

Why the peanut butter jar is always empty, yet no one, apart from me, claims to like it. 

Why anyone bothers wasting precious energy on anything Katie Hopkins says. 

Why no one has invented self-cleaning houses yet. 

What people have against body hair.

Why more people aren't murdered for eating noisily - especially when the TV's on. 

Exactly what is so difficult about the rules for using apostrophes. 

How the caller knows you've just sat down on the loo. 

Where my driving license is. 

Why people bother to be surprised and outraged by Neknominate, Benefit Street and politicians. 

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