More What i Love; Less of What i Don’t – October

Posted on the 31 October 2016 by Bellshann @bellshann
'More of what I love; less of what I don't' is all about celebrating the smaller things in life and enjoying things day by day. So, without further ado, here's my very own list of happiness for October.

Which brings me to my first is it already the end of October!? Every single year the final months seem to creep up on us and take us by surprise, as if there were no warning. If you're anything like me you will already be starting to flap as to how you're going to afford all the Christmas presents you have to buy and, even worse, what the hell you're actually going to buy!

Throughout October I decided it's time to take a small step back from the hustle and bustle of life and make time to notice what I enjoy, instead of what I don't. So, here's my list:

- Wild by Cheryl Strayed - This book is hands down AMAZING. I sadly don't have much time to read anymore (rubbish excuse but unless I swapped it for sleep, it's true) but I physically couldn't put this book down so I did just that, I put sleep second for a couple of nights so I could make my way through this masterpiece. I laughed, I cried, I related. If you're a fellow sufferer of wanderlust and share a love of hiking and adventures, read this. And let me know what you think.

- Tangled Pigeon Pose - In one of my yoga classes we improvised pigeon pose a little and funked it up...our teacher made a point of saying that we looked like tangled pigeons, now this makes me laugh every time I find myself in this pose.

- Sitting on the porch of a big canvas tent, wrapped up head to toe in a snuggly blanket, glass of red wine in one hand and my book in the other, listening to the rain patter down at midnight.

- Completing the Perkins Great Eastern Run ...A half marathon! Wonderful experience and a massive achievement for me.

- Because of the above, I treated myself to a feast of a Chinese. I don't need to say anything further.

- My amazing Great Nana turned 100! We surprised her with a big family get together and her face is a picture I will never forget.

- Jeremy Loops - I had a really good boogie for two nights in a row, singing & dancing along to Jeremy Loops. The first night I took my Mum, Auntie and Uncle to London and the second night was in Brighton whilst Kieron did his thing and photographed the evening. What a way to brighten the soul!

- I started a brand new, health and fitness journey. I'm naturally quite a healthy person anyway and when it comes to diet (and life in general) my absolute favourite word is I usually manage to munch my way through a Chinese and a donut or two (damn Krispy Kreme) at the weekend. Whilst I still do still believe that balance is important, I have decided to eliminate junk food for a while until I start to feel comfier and healthier in my own skin.

- Autumnal clear out - I had a massive clean and clear out in my room, getting rid of anything that doesn't look nice, doesn't fit anymore or just doesn't need to be there. I made everything I use regularly neat and tidy and easily accessible, and I kid you not, my head felt much clearer and more organised by the end of it.

Looking back, I'd say I've had a pretty good October! I wouldn't have appreciated half of things I have if I hadn't made a clear effort to write them down as the month went on. So, who's joining me for November!

Here's a snap of me on Scafell Pike - I'm getting my scarf and gloves out this week ready for a winter hike up Kinder Scout this Sunday.