Diaries Magazine

Moth and Wren

Posted on the 30 June 2011 by Elizabethwix

A moth came in my house
Moth and Wren
so I decided to catch it.
Moth and Wren
I am studying it very hard.
Moth and Wren
Then it went on the studio window. When I caught it, I took it to my bed.Then I spat it out because it tasted bad and it flew away.That is what happened with the moth.
Moth and Wren
This is a dog called Wren that came to the park. Wrens are usually birds, but you never know nowadays.
Moth and Wren
She is a pretty nice sort of dog, like what my mum had when she was growing up.
Moth and Wren
This is her and me in the pool.
Moth and Wren
Enzo, Roxy and me let her be in our gang for the day.
I hope you are having fun too.

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