Sometimes, you do the hard things first just to get them out-of-the-way. Other times, you do them last...putting them off until you can wait no longer. Many people have been broken by the "hard things" as they carry them around. Yesterday in my yoga teacher training, we talked about a burden I still carry. I have gone through a different sort of spiritual awakening and not everyone is going to be there when I am done. I know this. That being said, it doesn't matter how much you know, how much you prepare yourself mentally for making the hard choices, it still hurts when people closest to you don't understand, or worse, decide they know what's best for you in your life and how you should handle a situation.
Because let's say that the roles were reversed. Would you know how to handle their pain? Their righteousness? Their "programming" as it appears? Chances are, you would not. It never fails to amaze me how many ugly things I see out there on the internet or social media platforms. One in particular happened just last week. An old friend from high school posted something he found defense of being gay. You know where this is going. He is openly gay...some people from our old way of life were programmed to think differently. It ended up being rather sad...for the hater. Not my friend. He handled it well.
No matter what you think about another person's way of life or beliefs, I want you to stop for a moment and think about what they have to carry through life. Then think about what you are carrying. Are you helping carry this person's burden and do you genuinely care about them or are you just trying to persuade them that your beliefs are better than theirs thus adding to their burden?? Getting into an argument on social media and trying to persuade the masses about your way of thinking and how it's been handed down from the mouth of God Himself helps absolutely no one. What it does instead is send your ego forward. You are no longer thinking with your heart ...because if you were, you would understand that this person is carrying their own stuff the best they can and you pointing out their faults is clearly trying to break them down. And honestly, I don't think God instructs this way. It's time we stop doing that to each other my friends.