Motivational Monday…

Posted on the 21 July 2014 by Drowqueen @theburnedhand

My plan was to write about something else today, but I can’t stop thinking about my pain, so I guess someone must need me to write this.  So I wake up most mornings with numbness in my hands and my thumb hurts now too (not including my shoulder, etc.).  I pump my hands open and closed for a bit to get the blood moving.  I go to hold my coffee cup, and the joint in my right thumb feels “rusty”.  My guess is arthritis.  So I called my dad because he had arthritis at a young age.

His advice is about 5 different prescription medicines he knows about.  And to each one I respond with, well, you know I don’t take anything that isn’t all-natural because we don’t how that might work on me.  So here is what I do instead:

  1. I make hot tea.  It is calming and gets my mind off the pain.
  2. I make Turmeric Milk.  See my Pinterest boards for more.
  3. I use only all-natural products.  Some from my own business I am now in.  Vitalize You tab.
  4. I am about to go back to yoga and start writing about that process as a way to heal.
  5. I put a microwave heated wrap around my neck and shoulders.  Helps some.
  6. I eat using anti-inflammatory foods.  No gluten or sugar.
  7. I have a tiny piece of dark chocolate.  Clicking the word tells you why.
  8. As a last resort, I take a nap.  I say last resort because I could literally sleep all day.

What do you do when you have pain?  Do you let it get you (I used to) or do you try to ignore/fix/move forward?  I think I’ll make my  latest find…a turmeric smoothie!